We started "Still life" in the beginning of summer. Finally , we started our new collection of 2008-2009 fall/winter at apt 909.
In this time, we focus on the unknown, future, fresh scene. What kind of function, fabric, detail, and style do they need in fashion?
With looking back to the past, you can see detail and history, and you can appreciate everything. But now, it hasn't been enough in the fashion history industry. Then we started looking at now and future. We found one movement in Germany called "Bauhaus".
The way and angle to look at things as very close to what we wanted to do. With breaking down, you can feel beauty (looking at forward which is future)... The past complete is faded, you appreciate (looking backward which is past)...
With thinking of these, you can create fresh, unique thing (the cream).
We show you great piece that fresh, unique, cream at apt 909 now. Surely come to check these selections.
Thank you from apt 909.

"Let us therefore create a new guild of craftsmen without the
class-distinctions that raise an arrogant barrier between craftsmen and
artists! Let us desire, conceive, and create the new building of the future
together. It will combine architecture, sculpture, and painting in a
single form, and will one day rise towards the heavens from the hands of a
million workers as the crystalline symbol of a new and coming faith."
Bauhaus 1919-1933
The Bauhaus ("House of Building" or "Building School") occupies a place of
its own in the history of 20th century culture, architecture, design, art
and new media. One of the first schools of design, it brought together a
number of the most outstanding contemporary architects and artists and was
not only an innovative training centre but also a place of production and a
focus of international debate. At a time when industrial society was in the
grip of a crisis, the Bauhaus stood almost alone in asking how the
modernisation process could be mastered by means of design.
Founded in Weimar in 1919, the Bauhaus rallied masters and students who
sought to reverse the split between art and production by returning to the
crafts as the foundation of all artistic activity and developing exemplary
designs for objects and spaces that were to form part of a more humane
future society. The idealistic basis of Bauhaus was a socially orientated
program: ?- an artist must be conscious of his social responsibility to the
community, ?- on the other hand, the community has to accept the artist and
support him.
But above all the intention of Bauhaus was to develop creative minds for
architecture and industry and thus influence them so that they would be able
to produce artistically, technically and practically balanced utensils. The
institute included workshops for making models of type houses and all kinds
of utensils, and departments of advertising art, stage planning,
photography, and typography.
Excerpts from Living Room 24 and Bauhaus Dessau Foundation articles on the
history of Bauhaus

1 comment:
Hi there,
First off, I'm not a spammer (I swear). I'm working on a short profile of Apt. 909 for an online magazine. How can I get in touch to ask you a few questions about the shop?
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